Sunday, January 31, 2010

Incarnations of Seven

Incarnations of Seven  Parts of the novel are true, especially with regards to the  "Seventh Incarnation". After Thought...

This again is fiction, but what truly is now fast upon us with cyberspace, the illusionary dimensions of advanced use of technology, from cameras, to cell phones, to computers, we literally wear in our selves, is that the veils of illusion are really just that, when the levels of reality are one in an instant, and the mind begins to know no separation or regards to any illusion of time. For as this place now in earth’s time seems to be moving rather rapidly in connecting, healing, removing all that divides. For it may seem as if our minds are really on a wild ride. But in reality, is just a powerful plan, to be utilized quickly, in transforming and connecting us to what we all know deep inside.

Two interesting sites: 

In Some of my other  works, Shakespeare, Chaucer, deities, masters of old, was used to share ideas that have inspired us throughout the ages. In this writing I bring in Nostradamus, Edward Casey, and some more modern masters like Seal and the late Martin Luther King, Jr. Here is a bit of what was some of my inspiration and is included in this book…
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Now it is fitting to let Martin Luther King Jr.’s Quote, reveal something that needs to be part of this note.

“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.”

Life is a gift, and the opportunity of living, is only available for the days you wake up, realizing the present is your only full cup.
To my personal flashes of nostalgia, triggered by subliminal pricks, from great artists work, such as “Seal’s” song, “Change is Gonna Come”, to his acknowledgment of inspiration recorded inside his cd, “Seal”, from ’94…,

"Whilst walking the streets of Manhattan on the first morning of spring 1992, there came over me a sudden urge to have my palm read. The women I eventually found told me many seemingly far fetched things about my future, most of which I discarded as the usual $5 gubbins. But there was one thing she said that has stayed with me ever since. She told me that there lay ahead a period of time which would bring some of the most wonderful, together with the most traumatic time of life, that it would present me with an opportunity to grow spiritually and would in turn put a constant strain on my emotions. She also told me that just as I began to fall under the wheel, there would be a friend unlike any before or after, who would help share the strain and provide me with the necessary inspiration to continue my journey." Seal's Biography

to my home on the Caribbean, to the child who would swim with head face down, till mom pulled the hair, so I’d come up for air. It is not to be denied, that I indeed, have had this life.   

Synopsis: Incarnations of Seven
This story takes place from “whole” to “part”, with regards to modalities, using a bit of imagination combined with reality of the present, to paint a picture of my “being-of-self”. Use of many lives with their numerous dimensions, takes place in earth’s illusion of time. These different births into earth of my unique being for each life, occurs in stages of three. The “go-betweens”, and back down again, eventually return me to my heavenly home to decide the next incarnation. Basically, this is an effort to encompass all that we really are, but with focus in dividing our selves into different incarnations to experience the many variances of being human. For sometimes in this land of dimensions, we fail to see outside of our existence in the physical, to remember who, and what, we really are. Hopefully using myself in every way I could imagine, it will give each reader a unique experience of who, and what, they really are in all their various lives over various times, then remember their heavenly home and what may have been agreed upon in discovering their god-of-selves. This should really be fun, as well as magnificent for the mind that takes the time to imagine limitless possibilities that make each of us divine.

Summary of, Incarnations of Seven:

There is a circle one must travel in order to really see all that they are to be. As your own flower does bloom, it will begin to fill up your pond at your heavenly mansion. The key is not really each of our lives, but the ability to form the various incarnations to see our connection to that which is above, to that which is earth bound, and to the soul where at the core is really where we will be able to open all of our doors. So this writing is an exercise in learning to view thru our intuitive eye. Hopefully a “light-bulb-moment” will occur in knowing our creative power really does abound. Chapter one, seventh incarnation, moves backward from my most recent life, descending, till this book ends at my first incarnation. Similar to a lightening strike, this is where we begin in knowing the present is where we are experiencing life in its fullest, just as we will do in the previous lives to follow. I do bring in a short, “non-fiction” biography of my life in this incarnation, from sibling dynamics, to both of my marriages, to finally back to a fictional projection of my “Golden years” that are still to come. Sixth incarnation I speak of being of Indian descent, while living on a reserve in India, protecting and raising elephants with my childhood sweetheart, to eventual husband. This life does seem to bridge the previous incarnations, to my now existence. Fifth incarnation, I find myself once again, with my same mate from the previous life, only this time we are somewhere in Europe. We are able to study at the finest schools, to evolve our knowingness, not to have any of the uncertainties that were so traumatic in previous lives. For with this life, we are sheltered and loved in order to nurture that which we will be able to use again. During this life we are able to rest in having healings and ample shelter from previous lives, which had been very difficult. For with each incarnation, the journey is mapped out with heavenly council, for a greater purpose to realize our true magnificence. Now with the fourth incarnation, this was a life carved out on a Tahitian Island. Here the start was rough, and the end was even more difficult, but the “in-between”, with my husband and daughter, were a very special time, never to be forgotten in any incarnation to follow. With the third life, I lived on a ship at sea, with my dog. Here I lived to be very old, with great knowledge from previous continents that I was to share with the world. This vast knowledge was from worlds that were now under the ocean; Atlantis presumably, was the origin to be passed onto the surviving continents. With my second incarnation, I escaped Mu as it went down, taking my crystal skull of knowledge with me. Here I was to meet my Mayan grandma in this new land that would become my new home. My classroom continued at a very young age, so that the secrets of old would eventually be retold. The first incarnation takes place during the time of Atlantis, where we understood the earth’s core, in relation to our own, and how to travel in our intuitive eye, from the heavens above, and back down to the ground, until we could return to our heavenly home.

To look at these pictures of my various lives, was the journey needed to connect me to my entire being-of-self. For with these multiple variances, life allowed me to see my own unique complexities. From children, to loved ones, to differing accomplishments, is what this classroom is all about in helping us remember our god-of-selves.

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